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Justice with Prior Knowledge of Costs & Duration

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e-Court : the wave of the future,
Reduce your costs up to 60%

"Lawyers and judges are losing sight of their commitments to justice and the public good, and the profession must reform itself and rebuild the trust of ordinary citizens", says Gov. Gen. David Johnston.

In response, e-Court was established as Spain's Img largest online network for MEDIATION, ARBITRATION & LEGAL OPINION with focus on Individuals & Companies. Our innovative concept is endorsed around the world.

e-Court offers Online Conflict Resolution : effective, efficient, "on demand" 24/7 justice, personalized, transparent, speedy, professional, and with unquestionable integrity at a fractional cost of traditional solutions.

Click here for further info.

who/what we are & do Legal Services International SL. is currently in the process of filing its charter with the authorities in Spain. The company networks with individuals, companies and the legal community who share e-Court's vision of a transparent, fast and affordable "One-Stop" Online Network for Conflict Resolution. The corporate office is the holding company for its overseas subsidiaries and is located in Ottawa.

e-Court is an independent group of experienced professionals like arbitrators, lawyers, barristers, solicitors or attorneys, judges, mediators, university professors, industry and other legal interest groups. e-Court aims to provide competent, affordable and speedy justice for everyone. The company operates in Spain, where it maintains a large number of proprietary related domains and is associated with a large number of likewise e-Court organizations around the world.

Click here for further info.

How it works
e-Court provides uniform litigation

e-Court is extremely flexible because the individual or company can start a case with or without the assistance of a professional. In many conflict situations the claimant and/or defendant feel they wish to avoid professional expenses when obtaining justice. No matter what the choice is, conflicting parties can always rely on an expert & impartial Arbitrator, Judge or Mediator for resolution when they submit a case on e-Court. And all that in six easy steps and in just six weeks!

1. You send an email to the conflicting party
2. You register at "no-charge" via join us
3. You or your counsel invites the other party in a standard procedure
4. You inform e-Court whether they wish a hearing should take place
5. The procedure starts
6. Within six weeks the official litigated decision or legal opinion is sent to the claimant and defendant and/or legal counsel of both parties. In case of mediation, the process will have finalized during the same period with a hopefully positive outcome for all conflicting parties. Where this has not been possible, the mediator will suggest e-Court arbitration.


What sets us apart

e-Court Spain is expected to re-shape the future of Spanish Conflict Resolution. Forces transforming the industry promise the emergence of new models, such as e-Court that will allow clients to reap huge efficiencies. It took our IT development team five years with an investment in excess of $3 million to develop a database which unravelled the legal complexities yet adheres to strict Spanish legal laws & mediation practices. To our knowledge there is no privately funded organization to-date which is able to match our innovative database and other structures. We can handle a minimum of #20,000 cases simultaneously; Let us show you how !

Our Mission statement: e-Court Spain aims to be a champion for the consumer, achieving this by offering passionate and visionary values. These are: Value for Money: To offer honest, simple, and transparent pricing. Quality of Service: To offer services without compromising any of e-Courts values. Specifically to be professional and with unquestionable integrity. For the People: To offer conflict resolution services for everyone, not just those who can afford it. Challenging: To offer new and innovative ideas, to always push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Force for Good: e-Court would like to see itself as making a positive contribution to peoples lives and as a force for good.

  • Upfront knowledge of final cost

    No hidden costs. We do not occupy expensive mortar and brick offices and we compensate our mediators, arbitrators and judges with a just remuneration which pays these professionals for their actual time and not for "pushing" paper work. The time an experienced mediator, judge and/or arbitrator spends on your case, is pure thinking, not paperwork. This saves in cost.

  • Guaranteed payout of litigation settlement via escrow

    A portion of the amount in contest ( called the escrow ) is deposited in an escrow account with BMO prior to the start of the litigation process. The funds are immediately released when the verdict favors the Claimant or when against, deposits are returned to the appropriate parties.

  • e-court offers accountability

    e-Court engaged a Professional Chartered Accounting firm to conduct an annual audit of its financial records. Members are privi to receive the independent annual audit review reports.

  • e-Court offers Expediency

    e-Court cases take no more than six weeks (excluding a possible appeal of four weeks). This makes the process to cost much less than ordinary courts, where it takes on average between 70-90 weeks to obtain a ruling.

  • e-Court offers Flexibility

    e-Court is extremely flexible because the individual or company can start a litigation case using e-Court with/without the assistance of a legal professional. In many situations the claimant and/or defendant feel they wish to avoid legal expenses and obtain justice without expenses from legal counsel. However our members can always select a suitable listed legal professional if they so desire.

  • e-Court offers Transparency

    Members have full & complete control and 24/7 "in-sight" in all related records and in real time. All registered members will have their own "no charge" personalized admin panels with full search capabilities on a variety of exciting issues. In addition, they have an automatic membership in up to three e-Court country organizations.

  • e-Court offers the highest possible security

    Just like the outside world, people need to be confident before they proceed down an unknown path. e-Court has taken all measures to safeguard information.

    Our website is heavily protected like internet banking with leading banking institutions. Visitors can see a green padlock icon in the address field area of their browser. This means e-Court's operations are secured by 256-bit SSL, the highest security in the industry. Also notice the daily updated security certificate on the page bottom. In addition all user & passwords are enhanced by a secure #2 step verification process.

  • Last but by no means least ... e-Court organizes OFFLINE NETWORKING

    Socials are being held each month throughout the country, except during July and December when no events take place. E-Court believes that aside from the many advantages that the internet offers, there is a big role for meeting "eye to eye" with legal & mediation professionals in a social setting.

    Often, a speaker is invited to address important and widely ocurring legal or mediation issues. Socials are announced via email to all Spanish e-Court members.

And Finally Meet Heather, Our Business Development Officer

Know The Reasons Behind Our Success: "Our timing was just perfect, we recognized a real need. Thank you for your visit to e-Court. We hope to serve you."